Welcome to the heart of Dayspring Family Fellowship, a beacon of faith and a house of prayer. Our church stands as a steadfast pillar in the community, known for our unwavering commitment to the power of prayer. Our front-line prayer warriors fervently engage in spiritual warfare, fueled by a deep love for God and a burning passion for intercession. Their tireless dedication and unwavering faith create an atmosphere where the Holy Spirit is unmistakable. As a praying church, we believe in prayer's transformative and miraculous power, relying on the promises of scripture to guide our petitions and supplications. With hearts intertwined, our congregation gathers to seek the face of Jesus, surrendering our burdens and lifting our voices in unison. At Dayspring Family Fellowship, prayer is the lifeblood that courses through our veins, nurturing our faith and igniting our spiritual growth.

DS Kidz

Our mission is to partner with parents to help our kids become faithful followers of Christ. Our loving and anointed teachers will help to lead them to have a personal relationship with Jesus.

Every Sunday, infants through fifth-graders can experience a safe, fun filled environment, where the Word of God is taught at their level. We would love for you and your family to visit DS Kidz this Sunday.

Contact: Lisa Callaway
Email: Lisa.Calloway@DayspringFamilyFellowship.com

DS Youth

At DS Youth you will make new friends, while learning what it means to follow Jesus as a teen in today’s world. Our teachers are here to help guide our youth to walk with the Lord and prepare them for a mature faith in Christ.

Every Sunday, 6th grades through 12th graders can experience fellowship with other teens that are seeking God. Here at DS Youth teens will be met where they are. We would love for your teens to visit DS Youth this Sunday.

Contact: Michelle Garcia
Email: Michelle.Garcia@DayspringFamilyFellowship.com

Life Groups

We believe God designed us to live life in fellowship among a community of believers. Life groups are designed to help you find connections outside of the church walls and to help you build a stronger relationship with Jesus.

We have various group for you, no matter where you are in life. We have men’s groups, women’s, young adults, family groups, various bible studies, book clubs and prayer groups. If you want to impact others and grow in your faith then join a Life Group.

Contact: Pastor Peter Garcia
Email: Peter.Garcia@DayspringFamilyFellowship.com

Compassion Outreach

We believe in loving and helping those less fortunate by meeting people where they are in life and serving them. We have various outreach teams that serve the homeless, foster homes, Pregnancy assistance centers and local Christian schools. By sharing our time, talents and treasures with those in need we are helping to reach the forgotten, the unloved and unwanted. We show them that Jesus remembers them, loves them and wants them. Join a Compassion Outreach ministry team today and serve like Jesus.

Contact: Randy Woodard
Email: Compassion_O@DayspringFamilyFellowship.com

DS College of Leadership & Ministry

DS college is designed to EDUCATE, EQUIP and help you ENGAGE in your God given purpose. DS College is for those that believe they are called for something greater- a life in ministry.

As a student of DS College, you will learn the 5 pillars of Discipleship and the Servant Leadership skills that Jesus taught. You will also discover your spiritual gifts, social style, effective communication, leadership styles, how to lead yourself and others, teamwork at home and in ministry and how to put it all together.

DS College will also put you into a greater position to lead at work and home because the principles are all based on Christ, the greatest leader of all time.

Your teachers / speakers are experienced and credentialed leaders from the secular and ministerial world. They come to DS College to EDUCATE you - EQUIP you – and help you ENGAGE in the calling and purpose that God has for you. At DS College, we will encourage you to pursue God’s calling and help you to lead like Jesus.

Classes are held in the spring and fall semesters for Dayspring members and non-members. Contact Pastor Peter for enrollment information. Scholarships are available. (Dayspring church members receive a tuition discount)

Contact: Bridgette Stinnett
Email: DS_College@DayspringFamilyFellowship.com

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